+43 3852 2555 791

Fest der Musik 2022 Schulkonzert 26Welcome to the Suzuki Brass Teacher Trainer Course Austria. For the first time, a course for brass teachers using the Suzuki method will take place from September 2024. We are very pleased that Ann-Marie Sundberg from Stockholm will be leading this course. She is currently the only Teacher Trainer for Brass in the world. She has just returned from a course in Mexico.

Since 2015, Michael Koller has completed training using the Suzuki method up to level 3 in Sweden and is now an Instructor for Brass and will work as an assistant and organizer on the course.
As part of the training, his students will also be available for teaching demonstrations.

We warmly invite brass teachers from the region, but also from all over Austria, Europe and other countries
, to complete this Level 1 course in Mürzzuschlag.
Further information and registration can be found below.
We would be very happy about your participation.
Registration deadline: April 15 2024



First name *
Last name *
Street Address *
Postal Code *
City *
Phone number *
E-Mail *
Country *
Main Instrument *
I completed my studies at the following institute *
Please add any comments, informations or questions
Confirmation of Austrian Data Proctection/DSGVO guidlines *

I agree that my personal information can be processed in accordance with Austrian Data Protection/DSGVO routines and if admitted to the course I will attend all relevant classes and pay the course fee in full when requested to do so. 

Membership of the National Suzuki Association *

I confirm that I am a member of the Austrian Suzuki Association or a member of another European Suzuki country association in my country of residence. If I am not a member I confirm that I will apply for membership in case I am admitted to the course. If I am normally resident outside the European Suzuki Association's area of operation I confirm that I will apply for an individual associate membership of the European Suzuki Association if I am admitted to the course. I accept that it is at the complete discretion of the course organisers whether I will be admitted to the course or not.


   Wienerstraße 80, 8680 Mürzzuschlag
   Tel. Sekretariat +43 (0)3852 2555 - 791
   Tel. Direktion +43 (0)3852 2555 - 790
    musikschule [AT] mzz [PUNKT] at

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